Holmby Hills HPOZ Update

 Construction Holmby Hills

Construction Holmby Hills

Holmby Hills HPOZ Update gives an overview of what has happened in the area regarding new construction and remodeling. There were several meetings taking place throughout July and August 2016 for discussion about the HPOZ for Holmby Hills Westwood neighborhood. HPOZ ? “Historic Preservation Overlay Zone”.(What is ICO and HPOZ ?)

Proponents for a HPOZ and Anti HPOZ residents met a few times at St. Aidan’s Church in Westwood to discuss their views. (July 14, and July 21 2016) The proponents for HPOZ have been preparing the HPOZ for this area for several years .Many residents formed a large STOP HPOZ committee. Residents expressed they had not been informed or felt misinformed about the proposed HPOZ. Over 500 residents expressed their opposition to a HPOZ. A large amount of written comments, comment cards, and verbal comments were collected and expressed at the meetings .Some homeowners created a petition and contacted their City Council. Some residents felt the restrictions violated their Civil Rights. Some residents didn’t want colors restricted. landscaping, and materials for windows to name a few objections. Furthermore other homeowners didn’t want any restrictions. Other residents felt the only way to protect the character and preserve the community would be through a HPOZ. This community came forward to take action that affects their neighborhood and its future. Value and freedom of choice is very important to the homeowners. Additionally, maintaining the character of the neighborhood and how residents will to do that must be decided.

As a result of the meetings and comments, the proposed Holmby Westwood HPOZ will not be put on agenda for the August 18, 2016 Cultural Heritage Commission hearing. In addition, it will not be put on agenda for the September 22, 2016 City Planning Commission hearing . All the input is now being analyzed .Postponing these meetings will give the Council more time to review.The current HPOZ draft (http://preservation.lacity.org/sites/default/files/Presentation_Public%20Hearing%207-28-16%20FINAL.pdf ) is a proposed guideline.

Holmby Hills HPOZ Update

Holmby Hills HPOZ Update

Similarly, many residents stated they do not want their rights regarding their homes determined by a committee. Furthermore, they do not want a more bureaucratic process , more fee’s, restrictions, and increased length of time for permits. Some residents felt homeowners  who have already remodeled would be more fortunate than those who contemplate remodeling and renovations in the future under the current HPOZ proposition .The HPOZ proponents feel that the guidelines can be developed to please residents.

In Conclusion, The City of Los Angeles will be reviewing the matter in the coming months.  Open the above links to understand more about the various issues, history of the neighborhood, architects of Holmby Hills, and styles of homes, What do you think? Your opinion matters. Be aware, be involved! Stay informed, Share your comments. Holmby Hills HPOZ Update

(What is ICO and HPOZ?)

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