10063 Reevesbury Drive 90210

10063 Reevesbury Drive 90210 . What makes this property so special? Character! The neighborhood! Charm!  Everything about this house is unique. Living in 90210, Beverly Hills Post Office means living among nature yet you are only 10 minutes from shopping, schools, library, theater, and restaurants in Beverly Hills Civic Center. All things you look for when buying a new home.

10063 Reevesbury Drive 90210

First, this two bedroom home has so many architectural details . One enters through the beautiful front gate. Look at the beautiful matching garage door! Talk about curb appeal.

Secondly,there are surprise terraces that make you think you are in the South of France, or was that Italy? Surrounded by beautiful plants, paths, and tree’s. When my clients bought this home, behind overgrown plants they discovered a beautiful secret garden .

10063 Reevesbury Drive garden terrace

Thirdly, note the beamed ceilings, the pitched roofs, and windows that bring in vistas of nature from every angle . What fantastic features! Also , check out the beautiful fireplace in the living room. Indulge in a bathroom that is a spectacular spa overlooking nature. Shall I go on?  This property is a gem! Originally homes in this area were built as hunting lodges.

10063 Reevesbury Drive 90210 architectural detail home

Secret garden wall

Furthermore, visit Rodeo Drive, The Wallace Annenberg Center for Performing Arts, Paley Center for Media, annual Art shows , entertainment,hiking trails, etc. Beverly Hills

In conclusion, living in Beverly Hills Post Office is a dream come true! 10063 Reevesbury Drive 90210  is a must see!. Let me help you find or sell . Contact me for all your real estate needs   310-383-0831 . http://www.caronschwartz.com

Beverly Hills Post Office area home for sale


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