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Holmby Westwood ICO

Holmby Hills Real Estate

Holmby Hills Real Estate

The Holmby Westwood ICO is attached.The link is ICO), Interim Control Ordinance for proposed( HPOZ )neighborhoods for Holmby Westwood. The ICO Holmby Westwood outlines the rules for the ICO in effect since March 25, 20015. Understanding what you can and cannot do while the ICO is in place is important if considering remodel for Little Holmby and Holmby Hills. Bel Air real estate is looking to enact the same for the area. The ICO is being enacted because many builders are overbuilding in these areas or not considering maintaining the character of the neighborhoods.

New Interim Control Ordinances

To understand  the Holmby Westwood ICO please review the following  quoted from Office of historic Resources

The Los Angeles City Council on March 25 approved two Interim Control Ordinances (ICOs), drafted by Department of City Planning staff: one ordinance prohibiting demolitions and substantial alterations of homes in five proposed Historic Preservation Overlay Zones (HPOZs), and a second ordinance limiting the scale of new construction in 15 additional neighborhoods. Both ordinances took effect immediately upon adoption.

These ICOs have been enacted for an initial 45-day period, during which they may be renewed for a period of up to two years. The ordinances are meant to provide immediate relief from demolitions and mansionization activity in areas experiencing significant change, providing time for the department to craft permanent development regulations in these neighborhoods.The ICO Holmby Westwood outlines current restrictions.

The Department has prepared two new Zoning Information files, providing instructions to City staff in implementing the ordinances. To review the Zoning Information and text of the new ordinances, visit and

The Department is currently completing the hiring process for planners to help staff a new neighborhood conservation unit, which will assist in pursuing three follow-up steps to the ICOs. First, Planning staff will prepare amendments to the Baseline Mansionization Ordinance (BMO), originally enacted in 2008, to close loopholes that have led to the construction of larger homes. Second, the Department will also move forward to adopt five new HPOZs over the next two years, in significant and cohesive historic neighborhoods: Carthay Square, Sunset Square, Holmby-Westwood, the El Sereno Berkshire Craftsman District, and Oxford Square. And finally, the Department will create permanent, contextual zoning tools to address neighborhood character in the other ICO neighborhoods through re:code LA, the comprehensive re-write of Los Angeles’ 1946 zoning code.

Published, April 8, 2015
Holmby Westwood ICO was enacted and is now renewed. On Tuesday, April 28th, the Los Angeles Planning and Land Use Committee voted to extend the Interim Control Ordinances (ICOs) covering 20 communities in the City of Los Angeles (including Holmby Westwood). The Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously to extend these ordinances on Wednesday April 29th. The complete ordinance is included herewith via the following link: ICOHolmbyWestwood.On May 12 the HWPOA will meet to discuss the ICO Holmby Westwood and the proposed HPOZ for Little Holmby and Holmby Hills real The meeting is at Belmont Village Town Hall at 7:15. Contact

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